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Integrate Identity into your app in Minutes

Authdog is a Cloud based infrastructure providing the building blocks to integrate security to applications in a timely manner


Identity & Access Management

A comprehensive set of Modules to harness your business Identity & Access Management needs

Social Sign-In

Allow users to sign in with their social accounts like Google, Meta, Twitter, etc... Our platform provides a turnkey hosted and adaptable Login platform.

Application Governance

Create, manage applications in a few clicks. The Cloud console simplifies the multi-environment Application management

Edge Identity

Authenticate your users through our Edge Identity solution. It is a secure and reliable way to authenticate your users, everywhere on the planet.

Standard Compliance

Our platform is compliant with the most popular standards like GDPR, CCPA, and more. We are committed to protecting your users’ data and privacy.

Community Driven

Our priority is to provide the best experience for our customers. Our roadmaps are driven by community feedback.

Scalable Authorization

We designed our Authorization platform learning from industry best practices. It's highly scalable and secure, and can be used in any application.

Login forms have never been that simple

Our process to create a customized Login form with integrated branding, social login and custom routing fits in a multi-step form.

  • 1

    Create an application

    Create an Application in Authdog Console, once created, you'll get multiple environment, completely isolated from each other.

  • 2

    Configure your routing

    Add custom domains and redirections to define where your users should be redirected after a successful authentication

  • 3

    Configure your Identity Providers

    Define the configuration of your Identity Providers by simply adding required credentials per provider

  • 4

    Design your Form

    Add your branding assets (logos, backgrounds), customize the login form layout in Authdog Canvas module

  • 5

    Link it to your App

    Copy the link provided in Authdog Console, link it into your app and you're ready to go!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get started?

To begin using Authdog, go to https://docs.authdog.com, follow the Get Started section.

What technologies are supported by Authdog?

We offer a SDK for a limited range of technologies (React based frameworks such as NextJS, Remix, Redwood etc...) for the Alpha release, however Authdog can be used with any technology that can make API calls, even if there are no specific guides for that technology. We have a Feature request module for capturing your needs and we will be happy to add guides for the most requested technologies.

Can I restrict access to my application with Authdog?

You can protect your app with the built-in Zero Trust module integrated in your Login form, if a request is made from a non compliant origin (IP, Country, Custom rule), it won't even reach the Login form UI

How much does it cost?

Authdog offers different pricing tiers (Free, Essentials, Pay-as-you-grow, Enterprise) depending on your needs. You can find more information about the pricing tiers on the pricing page once it becomes available. Authdog offers a very generous free tier.

How can I create a customized Login form?

Authdog offers a web interface that allows you to integrate providers and design your login forms to meet your organization's requirements and branding.

What Identity providers are supported by Authdog?

Authdog supports a variety of providers including but not limited to: Apple, Microsoft, AWS Cognito, Spotify, Paypal, Google, GitHub, Dropbox and LinkedIn. If you do not see the provider you need, you can request it using the Feature request module.